Monday 27 October 2014

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Windows 93 : You can face Hydra Here, So Beware!!

Post By - Tanmay | 10/27/2014 09:36:00 am

Have you ever used Windows 95, if no, do you want to use it. I suppose your answer would be a big fat NO!!!
But here is something you'll love to have your hands onn... Yeah WINDOWS 93, I know it doesn't exists but yes it does. It starts with Green Screen and with inexplicable PS1 Sound which let you know that you've logged in. It looks like a parallel version of Windows 95. It also contains some fun stuffs ( I like "I am not a virus.. Trust me, I'm a Dolphin"). Give it a try, it's a great art project you can go on with. You can also go with Poney Jockey which will open get of hell for you or You can face Hydra in your computer.

Source : Windows 93
Via : The Verge


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