In this tutorial you'll come to know about making a desk calculator using Lex and Yacc.
Above grammar rule will be used in program. If you haven't installed the Flex and Bison in Windows, read the tutorial here.
Now, Lex File : calc.l
Yacc File : calc.y
Compile & Link them using "gcc" to achieve the goal.
Output :
1: statement:NAME'='expression {printf("x=%d",$2);};
2: |expression {printf("=%d",$1);};
3: expression:expression'-'NUMBER {$$=$1-$3;};
4: |expression'+'NUMBER {$$=$1+$3;};
5: |expression'*'NUMBER {$$=$1*$3;};
6: |expression'/'NUMBER {if($3==0) printf("0 Encountered"); else $$=$1/$3;};
7: |'('expression')' {$$=$2;}
8: |NUMBER {$$=$1;};
Above grammar rule will be used in program. If you haven't installed the Flex and Bison in Windows, read the tutorial here.
Now, Lex File : calc.l
1: %{
2: #include""
3: extern int yylval;
4: %}
5: %%
6: [0-9]+ {yylval= atoi (yytext);printf("Number is Enc : %d",yylval); return NUMBER;}
7: [a-z] {printf("Character : %c",yytext[0]); return NAME;}
8: . {printf(""); return yytext[0];}
9: %%
Yacc File : calc.y
1: %{
2: #include"stdio.h"
3: int yyerror(char *str){
4: return fprintf(stderr,str);
5: }
6: int yywrap(){
7: return 1;
8: }
9: int main(){
10: yyparse();
11: return 1;
12: }
13: %}
14: %token NAME NUMBER
15: %%
16: statement:NAME'='expression {printf("x=%d",$2);};
17: |expression {printf("=%d",$1);};
18: expression:expression'-'NUMBER {$$=$1-$3;};
19: |expression'+'NUMBER {$$=$1+$3;};
20: |expression'*'NUMBER {$$=$1*$3;};
21: |expression'/'NUMBER {if($3==0) printf("0 Encountered"); else $$=$1/$3;};
22: |'('expression')' {$$=$2;}
23: |NUMBER {$$=$1;};
24: %%
Compile & Link them using "gcc" to achieve the goal.
Output :