Friday 14 November 2014

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Google 'Hodor' and Get a Surprize From Google Now or Search

Post By - Tanmay | 11/14/2014 10:04:00 am

Are you a Game of Thrones Fan ? That doesn't matters actually, let me ask another question, Are you a Game of Thrones Follower at G+. If yes there is a surprise waiting for you outside at Google Search.

"OK Google, Hodor" will provide you with an amazing answer inspired by another HBO Character, Hodor.
Asking Google about Hodor it will give all the results decorated by Hodor, or Google Now will Speak all in Hodor, which is a significant role in G.O.T. and speaks his name repeatedly.

Try it, if you're not a Follower of G.O.T. or Hodor,it will simply put a name of that gental guy.


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