Thursday 13 November 2014

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Project Loon, Thanks Google for Working Towards A Great Human Cause

Post By - Tanmay | 11/13/2014 10:30:00 am
Post | Written By : Nitika Rajput

Today's Discussion at CS-BEANS  is all about the "Project Loon", under Google Inc. So, your question will be what it is all about ?

Here Is Your Answer : 
All of us, not all actually but many thinks that we are all connected. But none of them know that 2/3 population of world is still not having internet connectivity. Google's Project Loon is a Balloon Project to provide free, fast and remote connectivity in those area where Internet connectivity is not available, we can say Rural Areas.

The Technology : Know what is behind it :
Project Loon Balloons float in the air, the stratosphere, more above than planes.
As we all know there are winds also and in multiple layers and each varies in its speed and direction, so to control Loon Balloons, it can shift itself between layers to go wherever it needed. We have to attached an antenna to our roof to get access to free internet by project loon network.
It all began in June, 2013. When a small group of pilot testers launched about 30 Loon Balloons in New Zealand's South Island. Since then it goes wider with more pilot testers. The motto of Project Loon is to establish a ring of uninterrupted connectivity around 40 southern parallels, so that all the testers could receive internet connectivity at that location.

How Loon Works:
So here is the algorithm which is followed by Loon Balloons. It helps them in determining the layer in which they have to move or the direction they have to travel.It forms a grat network by moving with the wind which can lead us to establish a large communication network.

Stratosphere -
•    Situated on the edge of space, between 10 km and 60 km in altitude.
•    Air pressure is 1% that at sea level.
•    This atmosphere doesn't gives significant protection from UV radiation.
•    Dramatic temperature swings, which can reach as low as -80°C

About Design:

•     These Balloon envelopes uses sheets of polyethylene plastic.
•     They15x12 meter when fully opened.
•     For certain conditions or unlikely events if a balloon drops, for those time it has a parachute attached at the top of the envelope.

How  Connection is made:
•    It provides connectivity to 40 kms area using LTE 4.0 Connectivity.
•    To implement these balloons and enable them to work with LTE Technology, Google asks to share network spectrum from telecommunication companies in order to provide internet connectivity to all devices which are equipped with LTE

So, its all about the Project Loon !! If you want to become a Pilot Tester Go Here.

Source : Google Project Loon
Images are from :  Project Loon


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