Wednesday, 1 October 2014

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Microsoft Skips WIN-V9, jumped on Windows 10

Post By - Tanmay | 10/01/2014 06:42:00 am
Microsoft announced Windows 8 and going to give “Windows Insider Program” today by 1700IST. I have visited my dream spark account to get a chance to see Windows 10, bt there is nothing :p
Anyways let us discuss about Windows 10, the new features and there are much things that I’m gonna love (Yeah you too).
Microsoft skips 1 step which seems clearer that this installation would be great in comparison to previous installation basically it is coming with the new “SnapAssist UI”, which is really gonna help you in more ways than you would think. If we talk about the major release of windows 10, then it is supposed to be the ancient Start Menu which is going to be served with Modern Application Icons.
Lets come to the future of features :  
The traditional Desktop is in action : Now you can use windows start menu also in windows 10. It looks like more familiar also with Metro apps icons, looks like they were merged to Windows 7’s start menu and there task bar will have a new button with Task View  which will help you to take a look at all the open and running application in your systems.
  The charm bar is also included which you will get when you slide to right up corner. Windows 10 will look like a desktop if you use keyboard and mice but for the devices without mice and keyboards it will become in action with all live tiles and stuffs.
As with one of the update in Windows 8.1 Embedded (Which I’m Using) you will able to work with your desktop app with Metro apps,the Windows 10 will also provide you with an option to resize it, based upon your requirement, yes you will be able to work on both.
Multiple Desktop, One System : I don’t know about all users but, personally yes it is most important feature to me. I use to keep a software to increase functionality, but this Win 10 version is really going to help me with this stuff. Thanks to Snap Assist UI  which provides us some important feature as two add more and more desktops. This is same as Apple OS X or any other Linux based operating system ( we use Red Hat in labs ). You can differentiate between your work files and home files.

A new gesture in Windows 10 is also added that if you swipe from Left then it would give you the Task View Manager, and the functionality of charm bar is still the same.

Microsoft introduces new feature Continuum also. Which is not available in Desktop Build Preview but will be available in Releases. Once you will get Continuum, your system will become capable of knowing that is there any mice or keyboard is hooked up and if yes, it will make your desktop more friendly.

You can get it here –

More is going to be launched.


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