Tuesday, 18 November 2014

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I wondered, now machine is going to give description about an image : Concept of Machine learning and Neural Networks .

Post By - Unknown | 11/18/2014 10:07:00 am


 Hello Everybody,

   Today here we are going to learn about a very amazing concept based on Artificial Intelligence at CS-BEANS , its about an Image Recognition Software that can make our computer systems to recognize an image or videos, so that our systems can  automatically  give a description  about the content of that image or video.

     As we people ,when see  something  we can summarize  the scene in few words.....like a caption or so. In the same way ,what if our systems are able to do the same ??
    Yeah its absolutely true ,  actually  researchers at Google and Stanford University ,  have fused  the concept of  Machine Learning  and  Neural Networks.

 Machine Learning  can be defined as a scientific discipline that mostly deals in  constructing and building such algorithms , that can enable a system to learn from the data we provide.
Some models are made based on inputs ,it makes the algorithms to operate , so that some sort of predictions can be generated or some decisions can be made , rather than just executing program instructions .
   So, a machine learning  system can automatically produce captions in order to describe an image ,the first time it sees them.The captions can be such accurate, that could seem like, have been  said by a person .

And now let's talk about how such model is made . For construction of  such a model , a combination of two different networks is used. Those are Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and  Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). CNN is a kind of vision network and RNN is a language generating network system. So, the combination of them is enough to make a system to generate a natural language caption/description.
 For Example -

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