Wednesday, 15 October 2014

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Initials : Installation of Visual Basic 2013 Update 3 and Setting Up Hyper-V Manager

Post By - Tanmay | 10/15/2014 01:56:00 pm
Hello Folks!
As we all want to do something interesting ( and a little scary to ), I am going to make you able to build some application for Windows Phone 8 ( OR 8.1 if it comes to ).
There will be Steps, Image and Walk through Video so, We are requesting you to walk through them properly and help yourselves by asking questions as comment.

Step - 1 : Wait!! Have you got Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013 or 2012 With Windows Phone 8.0 SD Kit. If not you can get it all from HERE.

Step - 2 : Well, you've got lots of friends ( or courage, if you've Downloaded VS2013 ). Now it's time to turn Hyper-V onn.
  1. Open Windows Charm and search for : "Turn Windows Feature On/Off"
  2. Choose Hyper-V 
  3. You Would Like To Turn It On
After Fewer Restarts You'll be a little off. Don't worry, now run the installation of Visual Studio in Administrator Mode to get it installed. Remember the Administrator Mode.

After Installing ( If it was so quick ), Go and ask you College Microsoft Student Partner ( LPU appoints Ruchir Gupta as MSP ) to grab the verification Keys, which you'll need in our last step.

Move To Next Step ->


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